SELECT decode(paid.calendar_year, null, sales.calendar_year, paid.calendar_year) Year,
decode (paid.calendar_month_number, null, sales.calendar_month_number, paid.calendar_month_number) Month,
decode(paid.last_name, null, sales.last_name, paid.last_name) LastName,
decode(paid.first_name, null, sales.first_name, paid.first_name) FirstName,
(SELECT d.calendar_year,
sum(b.actual_wages_paid) amtpaid
FROM fact_salary b,
dim_employee c,
dim_day d
WHERE b.key_date_paid = d.key_day
AND b.key_employee = c.key_employee
GROUP BY d.calendar_year, d.calendar_month_number, c.last_name, c.first_name) paid
(SELECT d.calendar_year,
sum(a.amount) salesamt
FROM fact_transaction a,
dim_employee c,
dim_day d
WHERE a.key_day = d.key_day
AND a.key_sales_person = c.key_employee
GROUP BY d.calendar_year, d.calendar_month_number, c.last_name, c.first_name) sales
ON paid.calendar_year = sales.calendar_year
AND paid.calendar_month_number = sales.calendar_month_number
AND paid.last_name = sales.last_name
AND paid.first_name = sales.first_nameIn order to take advantage of this approach, an analyst must view the data from each fact table at the same grain. In the select statement above, notice that each of the inner selects group by the same dimension attributes (calendar_year, calendar_month_number, last_name, and first_name) and then the outer select statement joins on those attributes. Since there may be some instances in which an individual has sales dollars but no salary dollars and vice versa, an Oracle full outer join is used. If you are confident that one of the select statements will return all of the possible individuals for all possible time periods for that person, then a left or right outer join may be used. In reality a reporting tool will probably take care of this on the back-end, so that a data analyst will not need to be familiar with this exact syntax (although it may be beneficial to conceptually understand how the data is being pulled).
From a business perspective, this kind of analysis will allow a decision maker to view productivity vs. cost for each instance of a business entity (i.e., individual, department, region, line of business, etc.). This is yet another way in which data warehousing can help data become truly valuable.
Image: vichie81 /
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